
ZIPMIN is designed to safely record, store and manage all of your meeting agendas and notes. Formal AGM’s through to quick toolbox type meetings with attendees of thousands or two are supported with ZIPMIN. Our cloud based platform enables several levels of entry and recording (from official minutes recording to individual users notes and comments). Easily review previous meetings by teams and date or see pending meeting and agendas. Any device, Anywhere.

ZIPMIN is based around teams or groups and the invited members to these teams meetings. Establish the team, agenda and necessary papers and your first ZIPMIN meeting is ready to be sent out. Teams can have anybody you like added or removed from meetings.

Each agenda is made up of meeting sessions, which hold all of the associated material (PDF’s, URLs) for easy access and review. The user access levels allows Admin to record the minutes against the session at the same time as attendees recording their own comments and reminders.

After the first meeting has been completed ZIPMIN, automatically generates a new meeting template, including all of the minutes from the previous meeting, action items, motions and attendance reports. Simple add sessions and documents to complete the upcoming meeting.



ZIPMIN is based around ensuring that the right people attend the right meetings. ZIPMIN’s easy team builder allows quick inclusion and exclusion of invitees. The team approach allows invitees to sit on as many boards, groups, steering committees that are necessary to run your business. The invitee can see previous and current meetings that they are invited to, filed under each team for easy reference.

A key function of ZIPMIN, is that you can also exclude invitees of the team from session items in the agenda that need to be discussed ‘in camera’ or privately. This function ensures that sensitive information is protected. Those invitees will be able to see the agenda and sessions but will only be able to view the sessions that they are granted access to.

Screenshot Below: Creating a team member


ZIPMIN’s agenda builder has a generic sessions template for all meetings, welcome, attendance and apologies, ‘business arising from the previous meeting’ and Constitution/ Terms of Reference . Sessions can be added chronologically or randomly, allowing late items to be added and prioritised earlier in the agenda. The agenda builder will then reorganise the timing of the sessions, to suit the prioritisation.

A key function of ZIPMIN, is that the agenda builder makes your following meeting easier to organise. The agenda builder will automatically add new sessions regarding the previous meeting, like ‘previous minutes’ and ‘Action list’. Sessions can also be defaulted to an agendas, so that they continually appear.

Screenshot Below: A list of agenda items


Each agenda item is called a ‘Session’, which has a dedicated mini-site to hold all of the associated materials for that session. The mini-site can carry all of the required attachments for easy access before, during and after the meeting. The sessions can also have a ‘Profile’ that allows admin to highlight the objectives of the session to focus debate.

A key function of sessions, is that attendees can privately record all of their notes, comments and reminders directly into the session. This function allows easy reference and review of the session for attendees, when needed. ‘Message to the Presenter’, is also a unique function that ZIPMIN provides, allowing attendees to privately question session items prior to and also during the meeting. EG: Instead of raising issues with the previous meetings minutes at the meeting, ‘Message the presenter’ and those issues can then be noted for discussion or corrected.

Screenshot Below: A session minisite


Each session has a presenter or chairperson to allow dynamic meetings where several chairpersons/ presenters can oversee the sessions and drive more effective outcomes. Each presenter has a mini-site that can be set up (if required) to provide background profiles, contact details and social media links. This function is particularly useful for guest presenters that you engage to optimise the session. The mini-site allows previous papers and other background information to be attached allowing attendees to be informed about the presenter and their qualifications.

A key function for presenters, is that the ‘Message to the Presenter’ is a live feed, so invitees can raise questions (and unable to attend the physical meeting) before the meeting or attendees can formally raise questions during the session without interrupting the presentation. Presenters can also review the question feed and possibly answer several questions at the one time throughout the presentation.

Screenshot Below: A Presenter mini-site


‘My Meetings’, is the homepage for invitees, the calendar display allows easy navigation between previous and current meetings. Within the previous and current meetings, the meetings are then chronologically filed by teams. If your business interacts with other ZIPMIN businesses, ‘My Meeting’ will place the other organisations meetings in a new folder.

A key feature of ZIPMIN is that for busy people attending a multitude of meetings across one or many organisations the ‘My Meeting’ dashboard will accommodate and manage all of those meetings. For Invitees that can’t attend a certain meeting, ZIPMIN retains the meeting on the dashboard (still allowing full access), but displays the meeting as a grey colour.

Screenshot Below: Dashboard


Invitation security and access is paramount to ZIPMIN. The teams are pivotable to granting access only to the selected group that should access the information and material contained within the meeting. ZIPMIN’s secure invitation process only permits the invitees within the meetings team builder. ZIPMIN also runs on https/: to also ensure increased security and data protection.

A key function of ZIPMIN’s security is the ability to exclude access to individual sessions, while allowing invitation to the rest of the meeting. EG: Ben doesn’t work in the financial department, but is leading the marketing campaign. Ben can be invited to the meeting and see that there will be financial/ budgeting sessions, But he will only be able to access his permitted marketing sessions.


ZIPMIN’s point of difference is that our platform is Annual General Meeting (AGM) capable. This allows all of your compliance and governance obligations* to be achieved using secure cloud based software, the functions include:-

  • Meeting Notifications, The team/ group will be able to be informed within the required notification period.
  • Acceptances and apologies, ZIPMIN records whether the invitee has accepted the meeting request or placed an apology. ZIPMIN also records user activity and so reporting can be done on who has actually logged in and reviewed the agenda and who hasn’t. Allowing an easy check that the meeting has a quorum and operates within the constitution.
  • Constitution or Terms of Reference (TOR), Meetings that require a Constitution or TOR for a team or group will have a session placed at the end of the agenda, where reference can quickly be made. If this session does not have an attachment included it will not appear on the invitees/ attendees agenda.
  • Motions, Motions can easily be raised from either the floor or placed in the agenda. Debate can be made and the wording refined, before the motion is put. The mover and seconder can be recorded and then also whether the motion was won, lost or let lie on the table for a team to further clarify. If there is a need for a secret ballet, ZIPMIN allows each team member to vote only once and then the report will show, for, against or abstained.
  • Proxies, For the invitees that place an apology they will also nominate a proxy, for any motions that may require a vote.
  • Actions, Actions can be raised against any session regardless of whether there is a motion or not. The actions then also are assigned to an action list and remain there until they are completed.
  • Reporting, The dashboard provides a quick reference for previous meetings and itemise the number of attendees present, absentees, Open actions and closed actions. Other reports include, invitees attendance records, Action list reports, Motion reports and minutes. WATCH THIS SPACE for more reports and feel welcome to request a report template.

* Company constitutions need to be reviewed for all company policies on all functions supplied by ZIPMIN and ensure that the services supplied are within constitutional guidelines.